Exposures object schema
The exposures object allows you to query information about all exposures in a given job. To learn more, refer to Add Exposures to your DAG.
When querying for exposures
, the following arguments are available.
Field | Type | Required? | Description |
Below we show some illustrative example queries and outline the schema of the exposures object.
Example query
The example below queries information about all exposures in a given job including the owner's name and email, the URL, and information about parent sources and parent models for each exposure.
job(id: 123) {
exposures(jobId: 123) {
parentsSources {
criteria {
warnAfter {
errorAfter {
parentsModels {
When querying for exposures
, the following fields are available:
Field | Type | Description |
accountId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
compileCompletedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure compilation started |
compileStartedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure compilation started |
dbtVersion | String | The version of dbt used to produce this node |
dependsOn | [String!]! | The list of nodes this exposure depends on |
description | String | The user-supplied description for this node |
environmentId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
executeCompletedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure execution completed |
executeStartedAt | DateTime | The ISO timestamp when the exposure execution started |
executionTime | Float | The total time elapsed during the execution of this exposure |
exposureType | String | The type of this exposure |
jobId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
manifestGeneratedAt | DateTime | The ISO time when the manifest for this exposure was generated |
maturity | String | The maturity of this exposure |
meta | JSONObject | The key-value store containing metadata relevant to this node |
name | String | The user-supplied name of this particular node |
ownerEmail | String | The email of the owner of this exposure |
ownerName | String | The name of the owner of this exposure |
packageName | String | The package name of this exposure |
parents | [!]! | The list of resources that are ancestors of this exposure |
parentsModels | [ModelNode!]! | The list of models that are parents of this exposure |
parentsSources | [SourceNode!]! | The list of sources that are parents of this exposure |
projectId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
resourceType | String! | The resource type of this node |
runId | BigInt! | The unique ID of the account in dbt Cloud that this node was generated for |
status | String | The execution status of this exposure |
tags | [String!] | The tags associated with this node |
threadId | String | The thread that ran the execution of this exposure |
uniqueId | String! | The unique ID of this node |
url | String | The url of this exposure |