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Writing contributions

Contribute to the product documentation


The dbt Product Documentation sits at the heart of how people learn to use and engage with dbt. From explaining dbt to newcomers to providing references for advanced functionality and APIs, the product docs are a frequent resource for every dbt Developer.

Contribution opportunities

We strive to create pathways that inspire you to learn more about dbt and enable you to continuously improve the way you solve data problems. We always appreciate the vigilance of the Community helping us to accurately represent the functionality and capabilities of dbt. You can participate by:

  • Opening an issue when you see something that can be fixed, whether it’s large or small.
  • Creating a PR when you see something you want to fix, or to address an existing issue. You can do this by clicking Edit this page at the bottom of any page on

Sample contributions

We appreciate these contributions because they contain context in the original post (OP) that helps us understand their relevance. The also add value to the docs, even in small ways!

Get started

  • You can contribute to by looking at our repository’s README or clicking Edit this page at the bottom of most pages at
  • Read the OSS Expectations.
  • Find an issue labeled “good first issue.”
  • Need help: Visit #community-writers on the Community Slack or mention @dbt-labs/product-docs in a pull request or issue comment.

Write a Developer Blog Post


The dbt Developer Blog is the place for analytics practitioners to talk about what it’s like to do data work right now. This is the place to share tips and tricks, hard won knowledge and stories from the trenches with the dbt Community.

Contribution opportunities

We want to hear your stories! Did you recently solve a cool problem, discover an interesting bug or lead an organizational change? Come tell the story on the dbt Developer Blog.

Sample contributions

Get started

Need help?

Visit #community-writers in the dbt Community Slack
